Yale University

Class News

Classmates on Bay Area Zoom discuss Roe v. Wade and politics

May 18, 2022

Owen O’Donnell ’64, who hosts the monthly Zoom call for classmates in the Bay Area, posed this question in advance: “Will the reversal of Roe v. Wade lead to a serious shift in American politics?” Predictably, the topic dominated the hour, with eight classmates attending. Not on the call, but with a lifelong devotion to women’s reproductive rights, Nick Danforth’s name came up.

Otherwise, we shared some genealogy, with most classmates citing their Northern European heritage. Steve Bingham mentioned The Giant's Causeway on the north coast of Northern Ireland, an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption. Steve’s maternal great great grandfather emigrated from a nearby farm in 1820.

An unidentified surviving spouse (not pictured here) added her own visual to the debate. Touché (or perhaps touchée).

Hearing about the outdoor party the Boston classmates are planning in June, this group is going to explore a similar gathering.