Yale University

Class News

Jim Currie ’64 flying his aerobatics airplane

July 7, 2021

Jim Currie has had a life-long love of flying, and he’s still at it. Recently, he wrote:

Last month in Murrieta, CA, I went for some training in a classic acrobatic called the "Pitts Special". My Dad had one but never let me fly it as a young student pilot. Below is a shot of him in his Pitts (N3G) back in the day, together with a shot of the most recent Pitts that I have received training in.

“Goldie” is the nickname of my new SkyReach BushCat, just purchased and still in production at GALT Airport (Wonder Lake, IL). It's a lot easier to fly than the Pitts and doesn't tire you out after only an hour or two. Here's a video of my maiden voyage ...

It's good for maintaining blood circulation!

If you’re interested, you can find a lot of funny videos about the BushCat on YouTube.