Yale University

Class News

Mory’s and Boston classmate virtual luncheons continue

August 5, 2020

Continuing a tradition begun in March, the Mory’s and Boston classmate luncheon groups have gathered (virtually) every month through the summer. Plans are to continue meeting this way until social gathering conditions improve. Even without the beer, these Zoom meetings stimulate very lively discussions on a wide range of topics.


The Mory’s Zoom on August 5 was attended by nine classmates, and there would have been more except for the power outages caused by Tropical Storm Isaias. Frank Basler was the Zoom host, since Don Edwards had no power. Discussion ranged widely: COVID-19 predictions, US health care, stock market, November election, Poor People’s Campaign, and capitalism. Chris Getman reported that a number of classmates had contributed to the Mory’s Memorial Brick Fund in lieu of a luncheon tab. The next Mory’s Zoom will be on September 2.


The Boston Zoom was held on July 15 and was attended by nine classmates. Jerry Flannelly hosted the meeting. Similar discussion topics were: COVID-19, US tax policy, climate change. The next two Boston Zooms will be on August 12 and September 16.