Yale University

Class News

Stan Thomas ’64 only sang in the shower

May 25, 2022

Stan Thomas ’64, our departed classmate, only sang in the shower. Tony Lavely knows … since he was Stan’s roommate and football teammate. Stan’s son Chip (Stanley Buddington Thomas III) visited Lavely recently in Atlanta with his young bride, Shannon. (Tony Lavely officiated at their wedding last September.)

Chip has nothing if not musical talent; actually, he has athletic talent (like his father), but that’s another story. Chip is an accomplished musician who tours nationally. Recently he wrote, arranged, and vocalized a new single, “It Is What It Is.”

Click the "Play" button below to hear the 2½-minute selection.

Chip also arranged, wrote, and performed on a new single by Stan's granddaughter (Chip's niece) Aiden Rae (age 13) titled “Try.”

Chip has also had a career on the business side of the music industry and is currently consulting on a new music festival “LETS GET FR.EE” planned for Corona Park, Queens NY in August of 2022.