Yale University

In Memoriam
(posted September 15, 2024)

Don Haggerty

September 10, 2024

painter, photographer

see essay

Jim Duderstadt

August 21, 2024

President, U. of Michigan

see obituary, essays

Neil Hoffmann

June 26, 2024


see obituary

Richard Peck

June 10, 2024


see obituary, essays

Boardman “Boardy” Lloyd

May 17, 2024


see obituary, essay

See full In Memoriam list

Update on Class Events
(posted June 9, 2024)

60th Reunion!

See list of attendees here
Get the Reunion Book here
See the event schedule here

Our 60th Reunion took place on May 23-26 with headquarters in Timothy Dwight. See details.

The reunion was attended by 163 classmates and a total attendance of 284, setting an attendance record.

Latest Class News
(posted September 23, 2024)

Sam Francis ’64 gave a talk at our 60th Reunion titled “Evolution ... From Soup to Nuts.” See an extended version of that talk here. The talk covers the history of life: its origin, its evolution, and its extinction.

John Wylie '64 has created a 21-minute AI-illustrated video titledĀ The Mind’s Evolution, delving into how the wisdom and experiences of our ancestors shaped the human mind and spirit. See the video here.

See Class News index.

Latest Publications
(posted May 3, 2024)

Stephen Greenblatt '64 on second chances, an essential feature of the literary imaagination.

Second Chances: Shakespeare and Freud
click to buy  

Gus Speth '64 published his first book of poetry.

What We Have Instead: Poems by Gus Speth
click to buy  

Peter Frey '64 proposed a broad range of solutions to problems facing our country.

Reimagining Our American Republic
click to buy  

See Publications for more books by '64 authors.

Latest Class Notes
(posted September 3, 2024)

November/December 2024

Tony Lavely is on his way to Africa, touring four countries there ...

Joe Wishcamper will be going to South Africa on a “cool birding excursion” ...

Stephen Greenblatt is traveling in Botswana ...

Joe Lieberman was honored at a National Memorial Service in Washington DC ...

Ted Jones is organizing a Class golf outing for late September ...

Tim Mellon is the most generous donor, nationwide, to the Trump campaign ...

Dick duPont tells a fish story ...

Tom Barton and Douglass Lea survived different hurricanes ...

Gus Speth completed his series of “Essays from the Edge” ...

Neil Hoffmann’s passing drew complimentary comments from many classmates ...

See the complete notes

See Class Notes index

Yale and Class of ’64 Links

Map of ’64 Classmates         Email ’64 Class Secretary         Email ’64 Class Webmaster

1960 Freshman Directory         Subscribe to ’64 Blast Emails         Index of Blast Emails

’64 Whiffenpoof Album         ’64 Whiffenpoof Song         Mory's         Website Archive

YAA Alumni Directory      Yale Alumni Magazine      Yale Daily News      Yale Athletics

60th Reunion Book      Classmates on the Book cover      ’64 footprints on the campus